Wednesday 26 October 2016


What is Culture Recipe ?

Food is culture and is an embodiment of age old techniques, local ingredients, societal and cultural influences, traditional and culture recipe, spices, history and invention. Food isn’t just a nourishment for the hungry stomach or our daily bread but is part of our cultural identity. Over the years the global cuisine has gained momentum and changed rapidly with influences of culture and history. 
Every country has a distinguished culture and the highlight of the culture is the local cuisine. Each country, state, district, lane and community has its own cuisine and cooking techniques tried and passed onto generations. The local cuisine take form owing to its cultural influences and secret recipe and ingredients of the household.

Today in the digital age when world and the global cuisine has come in one platter and also as our lives have become busier, we are moving towards a future which is all about frozen, packaged food, often unhealthy and one which requires no time. Indeed there has been a trend to follow whatever is ‘trending’ and this also applies to food. We have forgotten the good old days when food was made with love and passion with a strong flavour of culture which stimulates not only the taste buds but also emotions. 

Where is the food we grew up eating and recipes made by our mothers, grandmothers and fathers? Where are the local ingredients, local food, local delicacies which we would relish as something enticed us culturally and would gush forth the nostalgia in us? 
Nutritionists and doctors today are again vouching to Eat Local and go back to our Roots.
Therefore at Culture Recipe we are promoting the good old simple and traditional culture recipes of local Indian and global cuisine.

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